I have always been a dreamer, and an uncurable romantic.
I have had my heart broken countless times,
And I have broken a few hearts of my own.
I've done things I wasn't proud of,
And things that I never thought I'd do.
I've decorated nearly every surface I've ever gotten my hands on,
And made a mess of quite a few as well!
I guess that's pretty much like everyone else though.
I see life as a journey, a giant set of lessons that we may pass, or fail,
But I believe we keep getting the chance to try again until we 'get it'.
That certainly has been my experience.
I believe in karma. I can't help it, I experience it every day!
I believe in possibilities, and in the impossible becoming reality.
I always have. And against my 'better' judgement at times and the words of others,
I always will.
Because it's that hope, and my imagination that keep me going.
There have been times I wanted to die. To start life over.
There have been times I almost succeeded.
But something has decreed that for now, I'm here to stay,
And so I've made it my mission to make the most of it that I can.
To keep getting up each time I'm knocked down,
To surround myself with beauty,
And create it too.
To find that spark of goodness in everything,
But stay wise enough to avoid those who choose the darker paths.
I've learned that I can't save everyone.
And that some people need to learn to save themselves.
But I still will always fight for a lost cause.
Because I will never believe that it is completely lost,
Or that I can't help, not even in some tiny way.
I simply can't believe that.
And I won't.
That dear readers, is me in a nutshell.
Love me or hate me, take it or leave it,
I am who I am and it's me that I'm staying.