So last night, I went through my herb cupboard, and got roses for love, cinnamon for passion, basil for abundance, lavender for purity (and because it's my partner's favourite scent), damiana for attraction and sugar for sweetness. Upstairs I lit one central candle, representing our love and friendship, and two candles representing each of us from that main candle. Under the light of the full moon I then began my wish:
I wish for love between my partner and I (roses went on a burning charcoal disk in my cauldron)
Even though it may not be the passionate love of lovers (now cinnamon)
But simply friendly attraction (damiana)
Let it be for the best for both of us.
I wish for it to be pure (lavender)
I wish for it to be sweet, and to heal our old wounds (sugar)
I wish for it to be abundant (basil)
I wish too, that he and I will find love that is sensual (roses)
Love that excites (cinnamon)
Love in plenty (basil)
Love that is pure (lavender)
Love that is kind (sugar)
Love that is mutual (damiana)
Though it may not be with each other,
But with another,
And that we can work through the pain, heartache and failures,
And remain true friends.
(at this point on of the candles representing us accidentally went out and so I used that as part of the spell, saying, when one of us gives up, or our flame begins to die, let the other bring us back, and relit the candle with the second one of the pair)
I wish, for love.
As the herbs burned and glowed bright in the charcoal, I envisioned the glow of love, that spark we lost rekindling itself in both our hearts, in whatever form it will finally take and sent the smoke off into the night wind.
And, talk about instant results. I went back downstairs (after unsuccessfully trying to burn my nice pretty incense and accidentally burning candle wax...ick) and watched tv with my partner, and suddenly, on it's own, a conversation was started, and he mentioned that he didn't think it (the marriage) was going to work out between us. The night ended with some hugs, a few tears, and giggles, and neither of us have set anything in stone as to what our future will be, together or apart, although I am pretty sure about the outcome due to the lovely gift of foresight, which isn't always such a blessing when you have it :-) But that's life.
We still love each other.
And we're still friends.
Which is all I ever really wanted, so I am happy.
I love your post...Yes, spells are prayers and wishes...Very well said. I wish for the best for you. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThat was very personal - thank you for sharing.